I guess its a random old school shape, kinda like a hosoi, but for some odd reason I put a pink hawk graphic on it. Going to start a series of sk8 tricks on different decks, open to suggestions!
Well...you wouldn't have believed it if you seen it, but I was actually at a Lil' Wayne show on Saturday night... That is one tattooed little gremlin...
not entirely sure of what i'm getting myself into....
bad ass end on the 77 xs750/trip
the very tippy-top of the empire state building, I felt like king kong.
sorry about the glare. This was taken in a shitter stall at cool music club in NYC, the Zipper factory. The auditorium held aprox 200 people and all the seats were old bench seats from old cars and school buses.
New one and the one that was pulled out. Eewwwww. I pulled the tranny cover off when I was tearing the motor down and water poured out. Picked up the new one for a good deal off eGay.
Got the head back today from John at RPM. The thing is fucking awesome. I already have the Morgo Big Bore kit to make my 1968 Unit a 750cc and go screaming down the road. This should just make the screaming finely tuned and run flawlessly.
Probably the next hot look for the chopper dudes, Max Shaafs 4Q Conditioning Vans. They are kind of growing on me. They look like they would hold up skating wise with those lace savers. And they come with grips!