Old photo from 2007 that Tim Olson snapped of me...doing a no comply polejam at Estabrook DIY skatepark in Milwaukee...unfortunately I lost the kickflip challenge that day (long story)...Thanks for the encouragement to post it Tommy!
good version of this song. maybe as good (or better) than in 1980? they just played SXSW so they're still at it. makes getting old a little easier, heh...
I went to the Surfin' Turf Skatepark anniversary show called Salad Days in Milwaukee last night put on by Peter DiAntoni. Very cool...Vans was sponsoring it, drinks were being served, some very cool old video footage was being projected on the wall, tons of old photos many that were enlarged, old paraphernalia from when the park first opened and then its second resurgence. Besides the photos one of the coolest things they had going on was they were printing t-shirts with the original design while you wait...here's photos of the evening...
I've known about this for a couple weeks. I've got a long history of skating at The Turf and am planning on going to this on Friday evening right after work if anyone is interested in going too and throwing down a few bucks for gas or something. If I end up going by myself, I'm riding the Harley, and its going to be damn cold.
Had a little miscommunication with the guy that was stripping the chrome off the side covers for the Triumph...he ended up polishing them too and charging me a little more than I had anticipated. Buuuuut, they look amazing. I was going to do the polishing myself, but this will just save me a little elbow grease I suppose. I finally put the patent plate on. I bought it over 7 months ago when I started this project. I still have to polish the primary cover (you can see the corner of it in the upper left hand side of the picture), probably this weekend.