For those who know me, the know I am probably the cheapest mother fucker on the planet, some of this comes from years of being a starving artist and not really having any money at all, and some comes from my great depression style upbringing. This helmet was priced nice at $114.00 + 6.00 bucks shipping. It also comes with mixed reviews, but I have a tendency to skip over the negative reviews if I really want something, sort of pretend they are not even there.
So Friday I get home from work and mr. mailman left me a package! Awesome!
I rush inside and rip open the box and pull out the beautiful looking helmet. Upon first inspection it seems tight, not super light, but not a tank either, looks good. Then I put it on. As quickly as I put it on, I pulled it off and shoved it back in the box. This helmet is the biggest piece of shit I have ever had the misfortune of stuffing my bean in. In the morning it will be promptly sent back. AFX FX-39 get two gigantic thumbs down. Ill fitting, terrible padding, in the two seconds it was on it was obviuos the venting sucked as it instantly steamed up.
My six year old $99.00 Z1 helmet is ten times the helmet of this pos.
I realize I am blowing my opportunity for a AFX endorsement by writing this, but fuck this company, fuck them to h e double hockey sticks.
Thank you for letting me rant.
Now, back to blogging about random things...
Bummer man, too bad cause it looks pretty badass and looks to have a large field of vision. You should try mine on sometime. HJC CL-X5N and they're only $75 now...damn it I paid $120
What? But what if it fits me? I still want one... I think? Doesn't anyone carry them around here so I can try one on?
Aaron, I posted this review with you in mind, because we had talked about them. If your head is shaped like a lumpy, lop-sided egg, then you may be in luck. But I can almost guarantee it will still be horribly uncomfortable with it's shitty, thin padding. I checked five area shops and no one carried them, probably because they suck.
I know, you get what you pay for, and sometimes you can get lucky, this just was not one of those times. Just a heads up!
Oh well then. I'll just get another HJC
UPDATE! http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com/1/1/38/36189/ITEM/Fly-Racing-Trekker-DS-Helmet.aspx
I want to like this one more anyway. I don't know if it looks more like a tranformer or a head made of legos, but I want it.
That's the FLY Trekker DS in case that link doesn't work.
well, mc superstore is where I bought the AFX helmet and they have a reasonable return policy, so worst case, like me, you send it back. I do hope it's nice though, I still have that cereal box prize mentality where I send away for something, I wait and wait with anticipation, hoping it's as awesome as I imagine. Get the DR up and running?
bwahahaha! great review!
Won't start. Need to pull the carb.
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