Rising sun. makes me happy. 77 kawi kz650 75 honda cb550 77 yamaha xs750. old steel, still running strong!

Craigs new Thruxton. Sweet.

The night before I left, I put on this old supertrap pipe. Total cobble. Went to the exhaust place, garbage picked that coupler holding the can to the pipe and it actually fit! I t sounds nice, but between my pods and this can, I need a re-jet bad!

A chick drove this to the rally from New Mexico. Bad ass. She won the award for furthest traveled. Also, she brought her little brown fuzzy dog with her, in her backpack! I didn't meet her, but I met the dog and it was a happy little dog!

Not a fan of the Rocket3 at all, but this one was dialed in, looked like a muscle car and aloso like the dude drove it hard.

Dude, your bike looks so fuckin cool! I love the way its going. That chicks bike from New Mexico is pretty sweet too. Craig that bastard for getting a Thruxton! Because I want one.
Craig is a bastard. That Thruxton is a fun ride.
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