We were talking about this last night. I never understood why people hated on Henry Rollins so much during his time with Black Flag. Of course I was 9 at the time and hadn't yet experienced how petty punk rock scenesters could be. My War was one of the first albums I ever owned and I listened the crap out of it. I wonder how many of the haters would have the guts to say it to his face.
Still not a fan of BF after Rollins. Its a musical choice, nothing against the dude. The first albumns I heard didn't have Rollins in it, so thats the way I liked their sound. I wonder if he'd still wipe my own ass with my face because of that? Don't think so.
Thats a really great version of my war, holy shit. I don't mind HR in BF at all. In my opinion, he didn't ruin Black Flag, that uber-douche Greg Ginn did. By the time HR was in the band he was the only original member.
Check out the book "Get in the Van", it's an awesome read and will really open your eyes to the douches he was dealing with.
But in all honesty, I can take or leave Black Flag. I never really thought they should be put on the pedistal that they have been put on. They're no bottles that's fo sho.
Yeah I get the musical preference thing. I was thinking more of the holier than thou punkers that say Henry killed BF. IMHO that is BS. Acronym much? They changed their sound, that's their prerogative as artists. And they were going to quit eventually whether Rollins was there or not.
But in all honesty, I can take or leave The Bottles. I never really thought they should be put on the pedestal that they have been put on.....
They're no Pinsetters, that's for sure!
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