I'd really like to buy this sportster. Jeff (CoC) and Aarons friend Dustin. No idea what he's asking, but I'd be willing to bet it's gonna be more than the $35.00 bucks I have to my name.

Picture is from
Joyrides Art Companyword-em-up.
Edit to say: "buy" not "by". fucking dumbass..
Drool...I actually inquired about this ride when I was going thru my Harley kick. Found out its in Long Beach and pretty much threw in towel there. Plus I bet he's gunna fetch a pretty penny for it!
I knew it's in LB, that's half the fun. "Honey, I'm going to fly to cali and drive back a bike, k? No problem? wonderful, see you in 10 days..."
I'm guessing it's in the 8 to 10k range? Maybe more? It has a ton of hop ups for sure...
10k sounds about right. I have his number but didnt see any reason to call him other than to see what he's asking...and I was afraid it was going to be a reasonable price thus setting off a chain of uncontrollable events which would ultimately lead to me being single and destitute but with a wicked Sporty!
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