Tuesday, July 12, 2011

If I were rich

I'd really like to buy this sportster. Jeff (CoC) and Aarons friend Dustin. No idea what he's asking, but I'd be willing to bet it's gonna be more than the $35.00 bucks I have to my name.

Picture is from Joyrides Art Company
Edit to say: "buy" not "by". fucking dumbass..


Dan Yoder said...

Drool...I actually inquired about this ride when I was going thru my Harley kick. Found out its in Long Beach and pretty much threw in towel there. Plus I bet he's gunna fetch a pretty penny for it!

tom said...

I knew it's in LB, that's half the fun. "Honey, I'm going to fly to cali and drive back a bike, k? No problem? wonderful, see you in 10 days..."
I'm guessing it's in the 8 to 10k range? Maybe more? It has a ton of hop ups for sure...

Dan Yoder said...

10k sounds about right. I have his number but didnt see any reason to call him other than to see what he's asking...and I was afraid it was going to be a reasonable price thus setting off a chain of uncontrollable events which would ultimately lead to me being single and destitute but with a wicked Sporty!