Been dreaming of building a race bike lately (flat track/short track). Was thinking of a cb(cl)350, but two seconds of research show that they are not competitive in the 250-500 class. Thus the bit more rare and elusive CB450.

These are just some random pics lifted from somewhere, but kinda get me all stoked.
Just daydreaming here...
Ditto that post exactly. Cb450s are very obtainable, btw. Just not as dime-a-dozen as 350s
Very cool photos and that'd be sweet to come out and watch one of our bro's race!
What about kz400s? I seem to remember they were supposed to be good engines. Usually cheap. Anyone racing them?
Seems yamaha tt's are the bike d'jour, but I would consider a kawasaki 400 or 440. As I'm sure you could guess, it's as much about the paint as the performance. Honda would get that cool red white and blue and a kawai would be green of course!
Needless to say, this is a next winter at the earliest project, and prob take a year or better to build.
Dib's on being the tire carver!
I would use the kaw, but no green for me. Maybe i'll find something this winter. Just have to find space for it.
do it! It would be exponentially easier to build two bikes than one.
Honda Ascot is now on the radar as well. It's a twingle, one carb is good.
The v-twin ascot would be cool as well.
Non vtwin ascot is actually a single, just has a seperate pipe for each of the two exhaust valves.
An exciting prospect indeed! I'd love to see ya out on the track Tom. Of course you know I got ya in the paint dept. Also gets me thinking more about putting the Dr on the sm track....especially since I have another street bike.
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