Monday, September 30, 2013

You fuck with the bull.... get the horns

These pricks thought they would fuck with this poor guy who had his wife and child in the car. I dont care if youre on two wheels or four but if you intimidate a man and his family be prepared to face the repercussions of your decision. I wouldnt have handled this as passively as this driver did.


aaron said...

How do you know what's going on? I saw the suv run over bikes in a pack at the beginning, then they chased, then the suv did it again, then they caught him and footage stopped.

aaron said...

How do you know what's going on? I saw the suv run over bikes in a pack at the beginning, then they chased, then the suv did it again, then they caught him and footage stopped.

Dave-O said...

According to the news, they were acting like thugs. I'm sure this guy was scared for his family and made the decisions he made.

Ben said...

The driver freaked because he was being hassled by 30 some motorcycle riders. Mob mentality.

NY Daily News article

aaron said...

How do you know what's going on? I saw the suv run over bikes in a pack at the beginning, then they chased, then the suv did it again, then they caught him and footage stopped.

Ben said...

AARON you're sitting on your phone!

aaron said...

I'm blaming blogspot. It's a new phone and I pushed the button once.

Bruce the Great said...

I don't like it.