Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I may have made the biggest mistake of my life today...

or possibly the best decision of my life.
time will tell.

I gave my two week notice.


Ben said...

It's gonna be awesome. Now I can give my 2 weeks too. You have a job for me right? $45k a year to sweep up and change lightbulbs and represent? Sounds good, when do I start?

aaron said...

You got competition for that job. Man I'll do all that and walk your dogs and keep the mountain creek stocked for 44k a year. Wait--how about a barrel of esser's best? Cheaper, and the plastic cups make less noise than cans. Now that's VP stuff right there.

It's a good decision Tom. Even if by some fluke it turns out badly, the decision itself is a good one. Congratulations.

tom said...

thanks for the good faith guys. Unfortunately, the whole 44k thing, well, that's over double my projected net profit for the first, and possibly 2nd year. Unless of course all those buildings with LED in the signs suddenly start burning to the ground (wink wink..) then there's 44k in it for the both of you.

This certainly is not a get rich kind of venture, just a be in control of my own deal kind of deal.

tom said...

oh and by the way. That's a Ken doll, with a pony tail, a goatee, wearing a sleeveless Harley shirt and pink Jamz shorts pushing a golf cart. Its in the window of an eye doctors office on State Street.
Isn't it wonderful?!

aaron said...

Actually, I did think that was a fantastic diorama.

Anonymous said...

Olive asks, "Daddy, what is two weeks notice"?