Monday, January 30, 2012

continuing with the topic of days gone by quality...

who knows maybe the back-lash towards over seas production and the abundance of the shit for sale mentality is slowly starting to happen? We could only hope...

Ben, you'll dig this one, nice printing vid.

I cant drink jd at all, it smells like sweet vomit to me.


WhitelinePsycho said...

In between bands I once did the loading and turning on a tee shirt printing carousel, [what a talent!] and the ink did smell like chunder, blecch !!! I don't play the devils advocate game very well, I'm fully over no talent bums in all areas of artistic endeavours presuming it's their right to be respected and not ridiculed, to wit . . "Idol", "So and So's Got Talent", the fucking Kardagians, Paris Slutbucket, OCC, half the music released these days, fuck all that mediocre, sub standard shit in the arse, Andy Warhol was wrong, everyone is not entitled to twenty minutes of fame . . . when I take over "Idol" it'll be "you have no fucking idea whatsoever, get the fuck off my stage now and go and kill yourself !!" . . . I guess I'm all out of compassion . . . oops !!

Ben said...

Verry cool...I like the use of whiskey to thin the ink. And very jealous of that big press. My current printing press is a wooden spoon.

Dan Yoder said...

Super rad! I think I may have to start thinning my 1 Shot with booze!

aaron said...

That's a really neat video. Not even just for a booze ad.

Whiteline: notice every example of crap you just gave comes from the TV. TV has always been about crap. Maybe just turn it off? If it was any good, Tom would be posting a video of it here.

WhitelinePsycho said...

Aaron, thanks for the response, I agree to a point but I practice, as most of 'us' do, selectve viewing . . I do see my point extending well beyond t.v though, it's about the perception of 'real' worth and value through all facets of artistic pursuits; music, visual art, literature, design, things mechanical, anything based on 'real' quality, mastering a craft, passion being reflected in the end product, I just thought the neon sign thing was emblematic of it, so many handcrafted things of enduring beauty and quality being overlooked in favour of cheap, mass produced and totally souless alternatives . . maybe I'm judging too harshly. Apologies for going off on your blog, which I enjoy immensely, and, thanks for your level headed, balanced response. P.S - hard being a redhead sometimes . . te he he !!!

Dan Yoder said...

I wouldnt sweat it, we're all a bunch of grown man-children that can handle opinions without getting all hot and bothered!