Tuesday, January 3, 2012

so this new year I get to get

one of these

instead of one of these

big suck & shit happens & all all that horseshit.
Never have been happier to have this honda here. I was feeling sorry for myself so I hugged it and the 750 made me feel better.


Dan Yoder said...

You CB obviously has other plans for that dont include cheating on it with a Buell...it just wants your attention Tom and is willing to make you shell out coinage for a tranny...and I dont mean the kind you find in Brazil!

Ben said...

Suckorama! For the Nissan?

tom said...

yes, the nissan. Friday evening I was coming home from Portage (work thing)and all of a sudden it felt like my gas pedal had a high pitch vibration above 50mph. I made my last stop and as I was taking off it seemed as if it couldn't get past 2nd gear. Pulled over at a gas station in Deforest only to find tranny fluid completely dry. Put new fluid in, new fluid drains right out onto pavement. Tow truck pulls me into my local garage then had to wait until yesterday to get verdict. Many many phone calls and hours researching led to the same conclusion. My buell is now a red, viscous fluid, in a bell shaped house.

Dave-O said...

Man I would polish that aluminum tranny up...that would look so sweet.

Ben said...

Some engravings would also be nice. Maybe a Buell logo?

tom said...

I guess I could engrave 'ironhead' on my current trans, it pukes about the same amount of fluid...

Dan Yoder said...

Dave did you say you want to polish a tranny?

tom said...

it would seem that despite the fact that Dave is half a world away, defending our freedoms from the tyrannies of communism, he not safe from from the frozen sacrcasm of his homeland.

tom said...

that and Dan seems a bit preoccupied with polishing Brazillian trannies.

aaron said...

I have to admit I was excited by shiny metal for a moment until I realized it was just a transmission.

Dan Yoder said...

My mind is always in the gutter kids.

Dave-O said...

Oh man, that sporty has dumped all of its oil onto my garage floor since I've left. The wife showed me over Skype. The cardboard under it caught alot of it. Should have drained it like my conscience was telling me too. Oh well.