Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Adi Gilbert

So since I thought it would be silly to send this overseas to Dave only to have him open it, say "rad" then roll it back up and bring it back to the states in Oct, I figured he could receive it via the her ya are Dave!

Love this guys work so I had to snatch a few up for a great price. Adi Gilbert's site 99seconds is here....rad shit and a good dude!

lemme know

what size shirt you wear (if you want one).

version two:

I think my screen printer is pissed at me now, gonna try and smooth it over, I'll let you know when it's good to go...
(it wont cost that much scratch, shirts are pretty cheap and the labor is me...)


Japanese builders just push each other and class.
Found on Free Biker Magazine

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bethesda newsboxes

The art fags I know are generally nice and interesting people....until 1200 of them are trying to get out of Baltimore Convention Center on a Sunday night. Then the teeth come out. This clip shows just a small chunk of the line to get in and load up...this is several hours after the show ended. Luckily I work with an old pro and we were already done and sitting at the bar across the street...

We made a delivery in Bethesda, MD on the way home and I was lucky to document the following phenomenon in the local free newspaper boxes:

Monday, February 27, 2012

Mad mad Luau.

Was the fourth semi annual, and most definitely my last.
The show was pretty much a clusterfuck, assholes at the venue, assholes in the bands who act entitled.

why would you go to a show with art and complain about all the "art fags"?

I really liked this piece, by a guy named Jimmy Bunnyluv, just wanted to share...

Everytime I do a group show I regret it, that said, I'm sure I'll do it again.

Stolen from Jeff Wright's facebook

Nice SR. I love the exhaust exit. Looks like an endcap from a recent mx muffler, maybe.

Waffle House

The aviators make waffles on Sundays and the proceeds go to helping local children. Its donation only and they call it the "Waffle House". There hasn't been a cease and desist from using the name yet as far as I know. Eat waffles made by Blackhawk pilots right next to the mechanics working on the choppa's.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Ben thought of it first... was just hard to see a perfectly good Pan cover go to waste.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

On the subject of vintage tools....and randomness

All jokes aside, this is a turn of the century woodworking tool the old dad picked up for me on CL recently.... patent tag says 1894. Thanks Pop!

A submarine in the Baltimore harbor...brewin VFR paint ideas.

And after a brief walk through a real nice neighborhood I found a beer I've never heard of, "From the land of pleasant living"

Sometimes at work...

...I get to mill a keyway on one of these, and I like it. In the fantasy version, I'm wearing a flat cap and smoking a Lucky, and my boss is dead.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Today at Boy Scouts....

I learned how to tie a chest harness.

This is my father-in-laws photography blog (here) I linked to this particular post that I thought was rather amuzing but theres a ton more. I forget if I have shared any of his work here before but he does some seriously fantastic stuff. He doesnt have much of a website showing all of his work but he some on deviant art but ya gotta be a member to view his stuff. His main bag is suspension and rope work but he gets into all sorts of shananigans...oh yeah and he's owns a sign shop too!

Twelve O'Clock

I'm out to Baltimore til next week....wonder if I'll cross path with any of these upstanding citizens?

Link to video:

Saturday, February 18, 2012

World of Wheels Part 2: The Wheels

Uh huh!

So rad!

Some neat stuff this year and some new shit which is always nice. The bike turn out was damn right sad but there were a few that stuck out.

World of Wheels Part 1: The Paint

Just a great layout and design by Paul Martin.

One of my favs

Totally insane pastel and colored pencil portrait by Del. Apparently he whipped this out in 2-3 hours

Super rad and unique stripe design

My panel

As usual there was a huge turn out for the event. The pics above dont even touch the tip of the iceberg...I dont think 16gb woulda been enough to get all the artwork. And the best part of it all is that everything was done with a brush, some paint and a vinyl stickers here boys!

90% rider. 10% bike

please don't mind the rocking soundtrack, the footage is pretty awesome.

Hope you had a good showing at the pinstripe event today Danno, sorry I didn't make it!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Mad mad luau

they asked me to show a couple of my pieces, should be a hoot.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The next thing?????

I have been telling myself no new projects but can't be blamed if the internet keeps throwing things like this at me...

on the subject of baja bugs...

new gen bug found on BCM (bike site, but he's got a keen eye and good taste..)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012